comentarios de Algunos de nuestros clientes:

" Ampliamente recomendado, Newman Rincon es excelente en tecnología, si tu computadora tienes un virus, o se te daño la computadora connectx global services es la solución."

" ConnectX Global Services has been doing business with our company since 2010; I have developed a great deal of trust and confidence in their high level of technical expertise. We have been satisfied with our working relationship.
ConnectX Global System performed the installation of the server of this company and has maintained a server to date. He has handled all our databases (SQL) and currently is responsible for the development and introduction of our integrated Procurement System (ELIS).
I highly recommend ConnectX Global Services for any project in the IT field that involves complexity and high quality requirements." - CHARLES Q BEECH III
ConnectX Global System performed the installation of the server of this company and has maintained a server to date. He has handled all our databases (SQL) and currently is responsible for the development and introduction of our integrated Procurement System (ELIS).
I highly recommend ConnectX Global Services for any project in the IT field that involves complexity and high quality requirements." - CHARLES Q BEECH III

"Recomiendo ampliamente a ConnectX Global Services LLC por el excelente trabajo que presta a sus usuarios en la solucion de problemas con computadoras y equipos inteligentes ,ademas de orientaciones y adiestramiento a distancia y personalmente.Gracias por sus valiosos servicios" - Gertrudis

"During the almost two years that ConnectX have worked with me at G&B Global Group Inc, I have always been impressed by their outstanding diligence and their high level of technical expertise. Indeed, I have been more than satisfied with our working relationship.
Not only are highly intelligent; they also are very hard-working. They have tackled every project assigned to them with enthusiasm and competence. They invariably understands exactly what a project is all about from the outset, and how to get it done quickly and effectively.
They consistently produces superior quality work, on time, and within budget targets. In my estimation, ConnectX is a true example of the type of support that every company wants: accountable and responsible, with a superior work ethic and a high degree of integrity.
In closing, I recommend ConnectX Global Services very highly for any project in the IT field that involves complexity and creativity, with high quality requirements. They are an exceptionally bright and hardworking team who will do their very best to do an outstanding job for whomever they works" - ERNESTO GUEVARA
Not only are highly intelligent; they also are very hard-working. They have tackled every project assigned to them with enthusiasm and competence. They invariably understands exactly what a project is all about from the outset, and how to get it done quickly and effectively.
They consistently produces superior quality work, on time, and within budget targets. In my estimation, ConnectX is a true example of the type of support that every company wants: accountable and responsible, with a superior work ethic and a high degree of integrity.
In closing, I recommend ConnectX Global Services very highly for any project in the IT field that involves complexity and creativity, with high quality requirements. They are an exceptionally bright and hardworking team who will do their very best to do an outstanding job for whomever they works" - ERNESTO GUEVARA

" Para mi fué una extraordinaria experiencia estar compartiendo una trasmisión remota a través de mi celular. Tener información exacta de la visita que me realizaría el técnico, comunicandome con él en forma remota sobre el problema que presentaba mi Computadora, precisar con horas y minutos el tiempo que transcurrió dicha visita remota, oir del técnico su diagnóstico en tiempo real, consultar sobre las recomendaciones a seguir, realmente es una experiencia digna de repetirse y lo más importante, representa una manera moderna e inequivoca de que la tecnología esta imponiéndose para hacer de la vida cotidiana mas vivible, mas tranquila y mucho mas rápida en la solución de nuestros problemas cotidianos. Mis felicitaciones para quienes incursionan en este avance tecnológico que ayudan a un mejor vivir." - NUMA

" I've Known Mr. Rincon for more than 5 years and find him to be a respectable person who runs his company with integrity and skill. When I opened my own business 3 years ago, I went to the Mr. Rincon for all my technical computer service needs.
From setting up my business to dealing with computer and network issues, the Connectx Global Services has always been dependable, straightforward and honest. IT Services fee can be quite expensive, but the Connectx Global Services has always been forthright with cost and hours billed, and they've even worked with me on payment arrangements. I'm happy to recommend them to anyone seeking business in all professional and technical services counsel." - ERIKA BLANCA
From setting up my business to dealing with computer and network issues, the Connectx Global Services has always been dependable, straightforward and honest. IT Services fee can be quite expensive, but the Connectx Global Services has always been forthright with cost and hours billed, and they've even worked with me on payment arrangements. I'm happy to recommend them to anyone seeking business in all professional and technical services counsel." - ERIKA BLANCA

"He recibido la valiosa colaboración ,asesoramiento y solución de problemas con el servicio o soporte remoto de Connectx. Agradecida por tan basta y amplio soporte.Mil gracias y espero seguir contando con Uds."- MARIANGEL CASTILLO